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Guide to Essential Business Tactics for the Net (Wiley, Jun 1998)
developed & cowritten by Nancy C. Hanger
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Who is This Person, Anyway? 

Nancy C. Hanger is an editor/copy editor/consulting editor who went freelance in the early 1990s, when she decided that commuting in the Information Age was a stupid idea. 

Specializing in science fiction and fantasy for more than 17 years, with a background in children's literature, her current clients include: 

St. Martin's Press (Tor Books),
Penguin USA,
Time-Warner Inc.,
John Wiley & Sons,
Morgan Kauffman Publishers,
Byron Preiss Visual Publications
(and their subsidiary, General Licensing Corp.),
Learning International, Inc.,
(a Times-Mirror Company),
Baen Books,
Avon Books 

She handles other genre fiction (such as mysteries and historicals), "front-list" fiction (bestsellers), and nonfiction for the aforementioned publishers. 

She also does developmental editing for computer books (especially electronic publishing) and textbooks, and handles both acquisitions and consulting editing for Swordsmith Productions, an up-and-coming packager. 

As the owner of Windhaven Press: Editorial Services, she contracts the typesetting and design for a number of publishers, including Baen Books, which has a cool home page on the Web, where you can also order their books. 

She has served as the developmental editor/writer/researcher for the new Internet World Guide to Essential Business Tactics for the Net for marketing man Larry Chase (Wiley Computer Publishing, June 1998). Buy this now from the uncredited ghostwriter!  (Wiley & Chase chose to credit only on the title page, which is still under legal dispute)

She has been the research associate with Leonard Wolf for Plume Books/Penguin USA's series of Victorian annotated horror novels, most particularly for the The Essential Frankenstein & The Essential Dracula (both 1993, NAL/Plume), The Essential Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1995, NAL/Plume), and The Essential Phantom of the Opera (1996, Plume) for which she also served as consulting editor. Buy any of these now directly through Windhaven!

She lives in the "countrified" Northeast with three cats (Tam Lin, Genghis Khan, and Minerva); and upwards of 10,000 books (which live in a converted barn/library/weaving studio). Her peripatetic graphic artist (of Windhaven Imaging - which is in construction) has taken a good press photo of her. 

She occasionally enjoys speaking of herself in the third person. 

She is an advocate of privacy on the Internet; you can download her public PGP encryption key, as well as some light reading about PGP, if you feel so inclined. 


The Home of Windhaven Press: Editorial Services 

The office housed in a historic farmhouse in New Hampshire contains both the editorial and typesetting production facilities: Windhaven Press sets for Baen Books, among other publishers. Services offered include editorial consultation, line-editing, copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. If you would like to see a sample of Windhaven's typesetting work, open any Baen Books novel from the last half dozen years and check the copyright page for the Windhaven Press name at the bottom. Editorial samples can be provided upon request. 

The editor speaks:
I prefer to work using electronic media (editing on disk), which many of the clients listed on the page about my editorial work use exclusively now, especially business clients, but I still use good old red pencils and style sheets for others - the world may be changing, but the publishing world is always a few years behind the trend in current technology: some traditions only change slowly. 


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