68 Hunting Road
Auburn, NH 03032
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          Director & Editor:
Nancy C. Hanger
    Nancy C. Hanger is an editor/copy editor/consulting editor who went freelance in the early 1990s, when she decided that commuting in the Information Age was a stupid idea. She lives in a late-eighteenth-century farmhouse in rural New Hampshire with her three cats, husband, and over 10,000 books. Nancy attended Gordon College in Wenham, MA, and Simmons College in Boston, MA, for a masters in Children's Literature. She specializes in genre fiction (including SF & Fantasy), as well as books about the Internet & Net technology, and has worked in both editorial and production capacities for various NY publishers for more than 18 years.

    She is currently Director of Windhaven™ and Production Manager of Baen Books (dist. by Simon & Schuster), working from her NH offices.

Editor & Consultant:
Andrew V. Phillips

    Andrew Phillips is a freelance editor, copyeditor, & proofreader, with a little over 10 years experience in the mainstream publishing field, working primarily in genre fiction, historical nonfiction & fiction, and technological books. His background includes a degree in history from the University of Arizona, and a 20-year career in financial and human resource systems computing & programming (yes, he was a code jockey).

Staff & Freelancers:
Clinton R. Rice, typesetter and proofreader

and a host of freelance proofreaders

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all contents, unless otherwise noted, copyright
© Nancy C. Hanger, Windhaven Press: Consulting & Editorial Services™
no reproduction in any form, including electronic,
without written permission of copyright holder